mos::basic_string< char, mos::default_allocator > string
mos::string rpc_server_name
The name of the RPC server.
rpc_server_stub_t * rpc_server
The RPC server stub, if connected.
filesystem_t fs
The filesystem, "userfs.<name>".
void userfs_ensure_connected(userfs_t *userfs)
Ensure that the userfs is connected to the server.
mosrpc_fs_inode_info * i_to_pb_full(const inode_t *i, mosrpc_fs_inode_info *pbi)
Convert a kernel inode to a protobuf inode.
inode_t * i_from_pbfull(const mosrpc_fs_inode_info *pbi, superblock_t *sb, void *private_data)
Convert a protobuf inode to a kernel inode.
PtrResult< dentry_t > userfs_fsop_mount(filesystem_t *fs, const char *device, const char *options)