48 device->write_data(
"\033[2J", 4);
61 while (
63 char c =
bool extra_setup() override
bool set_color(standard_color_t fg, standard_color_t bg) override
size_t do_write(const char *data, size_t size) override
bool get_size(u32 *width, u32 *height) override
should_inline void get_ansi_color(char *buf, standard_color_t fg, standard_color_t bg)
MOSAPI void linked_list_init(list_node_t *head_node)
Initialise a circular double linked list.
#define list_node(element)
Get the ‘list_node’ of a list element. This is exactly the reverse of ‘list_entry’ above.
static size_t strlen(const char *s)
bool serial_console_irq_handler(u32 irq, void *data)